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Rusty Weatherby
Liz, It seems like yesterday you were just turning 21. Hopefully the good lord had one heck of a party for you.
Patti Andersen
Liz, every year on September 28th, I think of you. Actually, i think of you often, you are missed by more people that you know.
Jenn Jacobson
Hey sis, so u would b 26, crazy. I miss you so much, I miss ur smile, ur laugh.. I even miss our arguments. Happy Birthday baby. Love y
Karla Branson
Camryn Elizabeth is too little to know you now; but when she does... She will know all you did for G-d & Country!
Happy Birthday to YOU! I miss you each and every day. You are never forgotten & I wish you were here to enjoy your cake.
Melissa Eiler (Visitor)
Happy Birthday Elizabeth. May God forever Bless You & yours.
Gary Wallace, MSgt/Ret, USAF
Elizabeth, I carve your name and virtues in the rocks of earth, Never to be forgotten. To our absent sister, Rest In Peace.
Thomas Winn SP Vietnam
Elizabeth, you and your fellow warriors are what makes our country so great. Thank you for your service to our country.
Rev. Jim Stastny USAF K9 68-72
You're the proof that freedom isn't free. Thank God for all willing to give all to free others
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